New Program Description

The new Theatre and Performance Studies program at California State University Channel Islands provides an inclusive learning environment that promotes and values creativity, collaboration, community, and culture through embodied performance, on stage, on screen, and in everyday life. The degree offers students a strong foundation of performance skills in the areas of theatre as well as new media. Coursework is anchored in imagination, individual experiences, local and global awareness, current and historical events, and the performance traditions of diverse cultures, all as sources of artistic expression, intellectual inquiry, and human connection.

Theatre and Performance Studies offers students opportunities to:

  • Develop proficiency in performance-based storytelling, whether live, recorded, in-person, or virtual
  • Cultivate an understanding of how representation functions and how it matters on various stages and screens, and beyond
  • Explore and appreciate multiple aspects of theatre-making: acting, directing, writing, managing, producing
  • Use their voices, both physically and metaphorically, as individuals, as community members, and as global citizens
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